I love these cute & adorable moonies. They don't need any filling and are easy to make too. Love the taste after resting it for a few days. Though I am not a big fan of moonies, somehow I am in love with these cuties. They are good as gifts for friends and relatives.
Recipe Source: Joceline
Yield : 28 pieces x 30g
350g Flour, sifted
230g Golden Syrup
100g Peanut Oil ( I used Knife Blended Oil)
5g Alkali Water
150g Lotus paste ( I omitted this)
Egg Glaze
1 egg yolk + 1tbsp milk (sifted)
Fish Eyes
Chocolates or Black Beans
- Mix the Oil with Golden Syrub and Akaline water until well combined.
- Fold in sifted flour and mix to a dough.
- Cover and let it rest for 2-3 hours till you press it won't stick to your finger.
- Divide dough portion according to the mooncake mould size.
- Dust flour in mould, then knock out excessive flour.
- Press dough into mould and press firmly to form the shape.
- Remove and place on baking tray.
- Preheat oven at 160c and bake at 10-12 mins at middle rack.
- Remove from oven, leave to cool (about 10 mins). Apply egg wash evenly.
- Continue to bake for 15-20 min or until golden brown.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe
I love gong tsai peng, especially the fish shaped ones!!
I liked baking this as gifts..They are so cute and adorable..
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